The Boost C++ Libraries

Chapter 40. Boost.Function

Boost.Function provides a class called boost::function to encapsulate function pointers. It is defined in boost/function.hpp.

If you work in a development environment supporting C++11, you have access to the class std::function from the header file functional. In this case you can ignore Boost.Function because boost::function and std::function are equivalent.

Example 40.1. Using boost::function
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>

int main()
  boost::function<int(const char*)> f = std::atoi;
  std::cout << f("42") << '\n';
  f = std::strlen;
  std::cout << f("42") << '\n';

boost::function makes it possible to define a pointer to a function with a specific signature. Example 40.1 defines a pointer f that can point to functions that expect a parameter of type const char* and return a value of type int. Once defined, functions with matching signatures can be assigned to the pointer. Example 40.1 first assigns the function std::atoi() to f before std::strlen() is assigned to f.

Please note that types do not need to match exactly. Even though std::strlen() uses std::size_t as its return type, it can still be assigned to f.

Because f is a function pointer, the assigned function can be called using operator(). Depending on what function is currently assigned, either std::atoi() or std::strlen() is called.

If f is called without having a function assigned, an exception of type boost::bad_function_call is thrown (see Example 40.2).

Example 40.2. boost::bad_function_call thrown if boost::function is empty
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    boost::function<int(const char*)> f;
  catch (boost::bad_function_call &ex)
    std::cerr << ex.what() << '\n';

Note that assigning nullptr to a function pointer of type boost::function releases any currently assigned function. Calling it after it has been released will result in a boost::bad_function_call exception being thrown. To check whether or not a function pointer is currently assigned to a function, you can use the member functions empty() or operator bool.

It is also possible to assign class member functions to objects of type boost::function (see Example 40.3).

Example 40.3. Binding a class member function to boost::function
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

struct world
  void hello(std::ostream &os)
    os << "Hello, world!\n";

int main()
  boost::function<void(world*, std::ostream&)> f = &world::hello;
  world w;
  f(&w, std::ref(std::cout));

When calling such a function, the first parameter passed indicates the particular object for which the function is called. Therefore, the first parameter after the open parenthesis inside the template definition must be a pointer to that particular class. The remaining parameters denote the signature of the corresponding member function.