The Boost C++ Libraries

Chapter 62. Boost.Log

Boost.Log is the logging library in Boost. It supports numerous back-ends to log data in various formats. Back-ends are accessed through front-ends that bundle services and forward log entries in different ways. For example, there is a front-end that uses a thread to forward log entries asynchronously. Front-ends can have filters to ignore certain log entries. And they define how log entries are formatted as strings. All these functions are extensible, which makes Boost.Log a powerful library.

Example 62.1. Back-end, front-end, core, and logger
#include <boost/log/common.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/logger.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/empty_deleter.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::log;

int main()
  typedef sinks::asynchronous_sink<sinks::text_ostream_backend> text_sink;
  boost::shared_ptr<text_sink> sink = boost::make_shared<text_sink>();

  boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream{&std::clog,


  sources::logger lg;

  BOOST_LOG(lg) << "note";

Example 62.1 introduces the essential components of Boost.Log. Boost.Log gives you access to back-ends, front-ends, the core, and loggers:

Back-end, front-end, core, and logger work together. boost::log::sinks::asynchronous_sink, a front-end, is a template that receives the back-end boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend as a parameter. Afterwards, the front-end is instantiated with boost::shared_ptr. The smart pointer is required to register the front-end in the core: the call to boost::log::core::add_sink() expects a boost::shared_ptr.

Because the back-end is a template parameter of the front-end, it can only be configured after the front-end has been instantiated. The back-end determines how this is done. The member function add_stream() is provided by the back-end boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend to add streams. You can add more than one stream to boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend. Other back-ends provide different member functions for configuration. Consult the documentation for details.

To get access to a back-end, all front-ends provide the member function locked_backend(). This member function is called locked_backend() because it returns a pointer that provides synchronized access to the back-end as long as the pointer exists. You can access a back-end through pointers returned by locked_backend() from multiple threads without having to synchronize access yourself.

You can instantiate a logger like boost::log::sources::logger with the default constructor. The logger automatically calls boost::log::core::get() to forward log entries to the core.

You can access loggers without macros. Loggers are objects with member functions you can call. However, macros like BOOST_LOG make it easier to write log entries. Without macros it wouldn’t be possible to write a log entry in one line of code.

Example 62.1 calls boost::log::sinks::asynchronous_sink::flush() at the end of main(). This call is required because the front-end is asynchronous and uses a thread to forward log entries. The call makes sure that all buffered log entries are passed to the back-end and are written. Without the call to flush(), the example could terminate without displaying note.

Example 62.2. boost::sources::severity_logger with a filter
#include <boost/log/common.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/severity_logger.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/empty_deleter.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::log;

bool only_warnings(const attribute_value_set &set)
  return set["Severity"].extract<int>() > 0;

int main()
  typedef sinks::asynchronous_sink<sinks::text_ostream_backend> text_sink;
  boost::shared_ptr<text_sink> sink = boost::make_shared<text_sink>();

  boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream{&std::clog,


  sources::severity_logger<int> lg;

  BOOST_LOG(lg) << "note";
  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 0) << "another note";
  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 1) << "warning";

Example 62.2 is based on Example 62.1, but it replaces boost::sources::logger with the logger boost::sources::severity_logger. This logger adds an attribute for a log level to every log entry. You can use the macro BOOST_LOG_SEV to set the log level.

The type of the log level depends on a template parameter passed to boost::sources::severity_logger. Example 62.2 uses int. That’s why numbers like 0 and 1 are passed to BOOST_LOG_SEV. If BOOST_LOG is used, the log level is set to 0.

Example 62.2 also calls set_filter() to register a filter at the front-end. The filter function is called for every log entry. If the function returns true, the log entry is forwarded to the back-end. Example 62.2 defines the function only_warnings() with a return value of type bool.

only_warnings() expects a parameter of type boost::log::attribute_value_set. This type represents log entries while they are being passed around in the logging framework. boost::log::record is another type for log entries that is like a wrapper for boost::log::attribute_value_set. This type provides the member function attribute_values(), which retrieves a reference to the boost::log::attribute_value_set. Filter functions receive a boost::log::attribute_value_set directly and no boost::log::record. boost::log::attribute_value_set stores key/value pairs. Think of it as a std::unordered_map.

Log entries consist of attributes. Attributes have a name and a value. You can create attributes yourself. They can also be created automatically – for example by loggers. In fact, that’s why Boost.Log provides multiple loggers. boost::log::sources::severity_logger adds an attribute called Severity to every log entry. This attribute stores the log level. That way a filter can check whether the log level of a log entry is greater than 0.

boost::log::attribute_value_set provides several member functions to access attributes. The member functions are similar to the ones provided by std::unordered_map. For example, boost::log::attribute_value_set overloads the operator operator[]. This operator returns the value of an attribute whose name is passed as a parameter. If the attribute doesn’t exist, it is created.

The type of attribute names is boost::log::attribute_name. This class provides a constructor that accepts a string, so you can pass a string directly to operator[], as in Example 62.2.

The type of attribute values is boost::log::attribute_value. This class provides member functions to receive the value in the attribute’s original type. Because the log level is an int value, int is passed as a template parameter to extract().

boost::log::attribute_value also defines the member functions extract_or_default() and extract_or_throw(). extract() returns a value created with the default constructor if a type conversion fails – for example 0 in case of an int. extract_or_default() returns a default value which is passed as another parameter to that member function. extract_or_throw() throws an exception of type boost::log::runtime_error in the event of an error.

For type-safe conversions, Boost.Log provides the visitor function boost::log::visit(), which you can use instead of extract().

Example 62.2 displays warning. This log entry has a log level greater than 0 and thus isn’t filtered.

Example 62.3. Changing the format of a log entry with set_formatter()
#include <boost/log/common.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/severity_logger.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/empty_deleter.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::log;

void severity_and_message(const record_view &view, formatting_ostream &os)
  os << view.attribute_values()["Severity"].extract<int>() << ": " <<

int main()
  typedef sinks::asynchronous_sink<sinks::text_ostream_backend> text_sink;
  boost::shared_ptr<text_sink> sink = boost::make_shared<text_sink>();

  boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream{&std::clog,


  sources::severity_logger<int> lg;

  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 0) << "note";
  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 1) << "warning";

Example 62.3 is based on Example 62.2. This time the log level is displayed.

Front-ends provide the member function set_formatter(), which can be passed a format function. If a log entry isn’t filtered by a front-end, it is forwarded to the format function. This function formats the log entry as a string that is then passed from the front-end to the back-end. If you don’t call set_formatter(), by default the back-end only receives what is on the right side of a macro like BOOST_LOG.

Example 62.3 passes the function severity_and_message() to set_formatter(). severity_and_message() expects parameters of type boost::log::record_view and boost::log::formatting_ostream. boost::log::record_view is a view on a log entry. It’s similar to boost::log::record. However, boost::log::record_view is an immutable log entry.

boost::log::record_view provides the member function attribute_values(), which returns a constant reference to boost::log::attribute_value_set. boost::log::formatting_ostream is the stream used to create the string that is passed to the back-end.

severity_and_message() accesses the attributes Severity and Message. extract() is called to get the attribute values, which are then written to the stream. Severity returns the log level as an int value. Message provides access to what is on the right side of a macro like BOOST_LOG. Consult the documentation for a complete list of available attribute names.

Example 62.3 uses no filter. The example writes two log entries: 0: note and 1: warning.

Example 62.4. Filtering log entries and formatting them with lambda functions
#include <boost/log/common.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/severity_logger.hpp>
#include <boost/log/expressions.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/empty_deleter.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::log;

int main()
  typedef sinks::asynchronous_sink<sinks::text_ostream_backend> text_sink;
  boost::shared_ptr<text_sink> sink = boost::make_shared<text_sink>();

  boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream{&std::clog,
  sink->set_filter(expressions::attr<int>("Severity") > 0);
  sink->set_formatter(expressions::stream <<
    expressions::attr<int>("Severity") << ": " << expressions::smessage);


  sources::severity_logger<int> lg;

  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 0) << "note";
  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 1) << "warning";
  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 2) << "error";

Example 62.4 uses both a filter and a format function. This time the functions are implemented as lambda functions – not as C++11 lambda functions but as Boost.Phoenix lambda functions.

Boost.Log provides helpers for lambda functions in the namespace boost::log::expressions. For example, boost::log::expressions::stream represents the stream. boost::log::expressions::smessage provides access to everything on the right side of a macro like BOOST_LOG. You can use boost::log::expressions::attr() to access any attribute. Instead of smessage Example 62.4 could use attr<std::string>("Message").

Example 62.4 displays 1: warning and 2: error.

Example 62.5. Defining keywords for attributes
#include <boost/log/common.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/severity_logger.hpp>
#include <boost/log/expressions.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/empty_deleter.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::log;

BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD(severity, "Severity", int)

int main()
  typedef sinks::asynchronous_sink<sinks::text_ostream_backend> text_sink;
  boost::shared_ptr<text_sink> sink = boost::make_shared<text_sink>();

  boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream{&std::clog,
  sink->set_filter(severity > 0);
  sink->set_formatter(expressions::stream << severity << ": " <<


  sources::severity_logger<int> lg;

  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 0) << "note";
  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 1) << "warning";
  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 2) << "error";

Boost.Log supports user-defined keywords. You can use the macro BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD to define keywords to access attributes without having to repeatedly pass attribute names as strings to boost::log::expressions::attr().

Example 62.5 uses the macro BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD to define a keyword severity. The macro expects three parameters: the name of the keyword, the attribute name as a string, and the type of the attribute. The new keyword can be used in filter and format lambda functions. This means you are not restricted to using keywords, such as boost::log::expressions::smessage, that are provided by Boost.Log – you can also define new keywords.

In all of the examples so far, the attributes used are the ones defined in Boost.Log. Example 62.6 shows how to create user-defined attributes.

Example 62.6. Defining attributes
#include <boost/log/common.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/severity_logger.hpp>
#include <boost/log/expressions.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes.hpp>
#include <boost/log/support/date_time.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/empty_deleter.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::log;

BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD(severity, "Severity", int)
BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD(counter, "LineCounter", int)
BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD(timestamp, "Timestamp",

int main()
  typedef sinks::asynchronous_sink<sinks::text_ostream_backend> text_sink;
  boost::shared_ptr<text_sink> sink = boost::make_shared<text_sink>();

  boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream{&std::clog,
  sink->set_filter(severity > 0);
  sink->set_formatter(expressions::stream << counter << " - " << severity <<
    ": " << expressions::smessage << " (" << timestamp << ")");


  sources::severity_logger<int> lg;

  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 0) << "note";
  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 1) << "warning";
    BOOST_LOG_SCOPED_LOGGER_ATTR(lg, "Timestamp", attributes::local_clock{})
    BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 2) << "error";
  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 2) << "another error";

You create a global attribute by calling add_global_attribute() on the core. The attribute is global because it is added to every log entry automatically.

add_global_attribute() expects two parameters: the name and the type of the new attribute. The name is passed as a string. For the type you use a class from the namespace boost::log::attributes, which provides classes to define different attributes. Example 62.6 uses boost::log::attributes::counter to define the attribute LineCounter, which adds a line number to every log entry. This attribute will number log entries starting at 1.

add_global_attribute() is not a function template. boost::log::attributes::counter isn’t passed as a template parameter. The attribute type must be instantiated and passed as an object.

Example 62.6 uses a second attribute called Timestamp. This is a scoped attribute that is created with BOOST_LOG_SCOPED_LOGGER_ATTR. This macro adds an attribute to a logger. The first parameter is the logger, the second is the attribute name, and the third is the attribute object. The type of the attribute object is boost::log::attribute::local_clock. The attribute is set to the current time for each log entry.

The attribute Timestamp is added to the log entry error only. Timestamp exists only in the scope where BOOST_LOG_SCOPED_LOGGER_ATTR is used. When the scope ends, the attribute is removed. BOOST_LOG_SCOPED_LOGGER_ATTR is similar to a call to add_attribute() and remove_attribute().

As in Example 62.5, Example 62.6 uses the macro BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD to define keywords for the new attributes. The format function accesses the keywords to write the line number and current time. The value of timestamp will be an empty string for those log entries where the attribute Timestamp is undefined.

Example 62.7. Helper functions for filters and formats
#include <boost/log/common.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/severity_logger.hpp>
#include <boost/log/expressions.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes.hpp>
#include <boost/log/support/date_time.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/empty_deleter.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace boost::log;

BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD(severity, "Severity", int)
BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD(counter, "LineCounter", int)
BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD(timestamp, "Timestamp",

int main()
  typedef sinks::asynchronous_sink<sinks::text_ostream_backend> text_sink;
  boost::shared_ptr<text_sink> sink = boost::make_shared<text_sink>();

  boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream{&std::clog,
  sink->set_filter(expressions::is_in_range(severity, 1, 3));
  sink->set_formatter(expressions::stream << std::setw(5) << counter <<
    " - " << severity << ": " << expressions::smessage << " (" <<
    expressions::format_date_time(timestamp, "%H:%M:%S") << ")");


  sources::severity_logger<int> lg;

  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 0) << "note";
  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 1) << "warning";
    BOOST_LOG_SCOPED_LOGGER_ATTR(lg, "Timestamp", attributes::local_clock{})
    BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 2) << "error";
  BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, 2) << "another error";

Boost.Log provides numerous helper functions for filters and formats. Example 62.7 calls the helper boost::log::expressions::is_in_range() to filter log entries whose log level is outside a range. boost::log::expressions::is_in_range() expects the attribute as its first parameter and lower and upper bounds as its second and third parameters. As with iterators, the upper bound is exclusive and doesn’t belong to the range.

boost::log::expressions::format_date_time() is called in the format function. It is used to format a timepoint. Example 62.7 uses boost::log::expressions::format_date_time() to write the time without a date. You can also use manipulators from the standard library in format functions. Example 62.7 uses std::setw() to set the width for the counter.

Example 62.8. Several loggers, front-ends, and back-ends
#include <boost/log/common.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/severity_logger.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/channel_logger.hpp>
#include <boost/log/expressions.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/string_literal.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/empty_deleter.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace boost::log;

BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD(severity, "Severity", int)
BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD(channel, "Channel", std::string)

int main()
  typedef sinks::asynchronous_sink<sinks::text_ostream_backend>
  boost::shared_ptr<ostream_sink> ostream =
  boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> clog{&std::clog,

  typedef sinks::synchronous_sink<sinks::text_multifile_backend>
  boost::shared_ptr<multifile_sink> multifile =
    sinks::file::as_file_name_composer(expressions::stream <<
    channel.or_default<std::string>("None") << "-" <<
    severity.or_default(0) << ".log"));

  sources::severity_logger<int> severity_lg;
  sources::channel_logger<> channel_lg{keywords::channel = "Main"};

  BOOST_LOG_SEV(severity_lg, 1) << "severity message";
  BOOST_LOG(channel_lg) << "channel message";

Example 62.8 uses several loggers, front-ends, and back-ends. In addition to using the classes boost::log::sinks::asynchronous_sink, boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend and boost::log::sources::severity_logger, the example also uses the front-end boost::log::sinks::synchronous_sink, the back-end boost::log::sinks::text_multifile_backend, and the logger boost::log::sources::channel_logger.

The front-end boost::log::sinks::synchronous_sink provides synchronous access to a back-end, which lets you use a back-end in a multithreaded application even if the back-end isn’t thread safe.

The difference between the two front-ends boost::log::sinks::asynchronous_sink and boost::log::sinks::synchronous_sink is that the latter isn’t based on a thread. Log entries are passed to the back-end in the same thread.

Example 62.8 uses the front-end boost::log::sinks::synchronous_sink with the back-end boost::log::sinks::text_multifile_backend. This back-end writes log entries to one or more files. File names are created according to a rule passed by set_file_name_composer() to the back-end. If you use the free-standing function boost::log::sinks::file::as_file_name_composer(), as in the example, the rule can be created as a lambda function with the same building blocks used for format functions. However, the attributes aren’t used to create the string that is written to a back-end. Instead, the string will be the name of the file that log entries will be written to.

Example 62.8 uses the keywords channel and severity, which are defined with the macro BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD. They refer to the attributes Channel and Severity. The member function or_default() is called on the keywords to pass a default value if an attribute isn’t set. If a log entry is written and Channel and Severity are not set, the entry is written to the file None-0.log. If a log entry is written with the log level 1, it is stored in the file None-1.log. If the log level is 1 and the channel is called Main, the log entry is saved in the file Main-1.log.

The attribute Channel is defined by the logger boost::log::sources::channel_logger. The constructor expects a channel name. The name can’t be passed directly as a string. Instead, it must be passed as a named parameter. That’s why the example uses keywords::channel = "Main" even though boost::log::sources::channel_logger doesn’t accept any other parameters.

Please note that the named parameter boost::log::keywords::channel has nothing to do with the keywords you create with the macro BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD.

boost::log::sources::channel_logger identifies log entries from different components of a program. Components can use their own objects of type boost::log::sources::channel_logger, giving them unique names. If components only access their own loggers, it’s clear which component a particular log entry came from.

Example 62.9. Handling exceptions centrally
#include <boost/log/common.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/logger.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/exception_handler.hpp>
#include <boost/log/exceptions.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/empty_deleter.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>

using namespace boost::log;

struct handler
  void operator()(const runtime_error &ex) const
    std::cerr << "boost::log::runtime_error: " << ex.what() << '\n';

  void operator()(const std::exception &ex) const
    std::cerr << "std::exception: " << ex.what() << '\n';

int main()
  typedef sinks::synchronous_sink<sinks::text_ostream_backend> text_sink;
  boost::shared_ptr<text_sink> sink = boost::make_shared<text_sink>();

  boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream{&std::clog,

    make_exception_handler<runtime_error, std::exception>(handler{}));

  sources::logger lg;

  BOOST_LOG(lg) << "note";

Boost.Log provides the option to handle exceptions in the logging framework centrally. This means you don’t need to wrap every BOOST_LOG in a try block to handle exceptions in catch.

Example 62.9 calls the member function set_exception_handler(). The core provides this member function to register a handler. All exceptions in the logging framework will be passed to that handler. The handler is implemented as a function object. It has to overload operator() for every exception type expected. An instance of that function object is passed to set_exception_handler() through the function template boost::log::make_exception_handler(). All exception types you want to handle must be passed as template parameters to boost::log::make_exception_handler().

The function boost::log::make_exception_suppressor() let’s you discard all exceptions in the logging framework. You call this function instead of boost::log::make_exception_handler().

Example 62.10. A macro to define a global logger
#include <boost/log/common.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/logger.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/empty_deleter.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>

using namespace boost::log;


int main()
  typedef sinks::synchronous_sink<sinks::text_ostream_backend> text_sink;
  boost::shared_ptr<text_sink> sink = boost::make_shared<text_sink>();

  boost::shared_ptr<std::ostream> stream{&std::clog,


  BOOST_LOG(lg::get()) << L"note";

All of the examples in this chapter use local loggers. If you want to define a global logger, use the macro BOOST_LOG_INLINE_GLOBAL_LOGGER_DEFAULT as in Example 62.10. You pass the name of the logger as the first parameter and the type as the second. You don’t access the logger through its name. Instead, you call get(), which returns a pointer to a singleton.

Boost.Log provides additional macros such as BOOST_LOG_INLINE_GLOBAL_LOGGER_CTOR_ARGS. They let you initialize global loggers. BOOST_LOG_INLINE_GLOBAL_LOGGER_CTOR_ARGS lets you pass parameters to the constructor of a global logger. All of these macros guarantee that global loggers will be correctly initialized.

Boost.Log provides many more functions that are worth a look. For example, you can configure the logging framework through a container with key/value pairs as strings. Then, you don’t need to instantiate classes and call member functions. For example, a key Destination can be set to Console, which will automatically make the logging framework use the back-end boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend. The back-end can be configured through additional key/value pairs. Because the container can also be serialized in an INI-file, it is possible to store the configuration in a text file and initialize the logging framework with that file.