The Boost C++ Libraries


Boost.Signals2 offers the class boost::signals2::signal, which can be used to create a signal. This class is defined in boost/signals2/signal.hpp. Alternatively, you can use the header file boost/signals2.hpp, which is a master header file that defines all of the classes and functions available in Boost.Signals2.

Boost.Signals2 defines boost::signals2::signal and other classes, as well as all functions in the namespace boost::signals2.

Example 67.1. Hello, world! with boost::signals2::signal
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::signals2;

int main()
  signal<void()> s;
  s.connect([]{ std::cout << "Hello, world!\n"; });

boost::signals2::signal is a class template that expects as a template parameter the signature of the function that will be used as an event handler. In Example 67.1, only functions with a signature of void() can be associated with the signal s.

A lambda function is associated with the signal s through connect(). Because the lambda function conforms to the required signature, void(), the association is successfully established. The lambda function is called whenever the signal s is triggered.

The signal is triggered by calling s like a regular function. The signature of this function matches the one passed as the template parameter. The brackets are empty because void() does not expect any parameters. Calling s results in a trigger that, in turn, executes the lambda function that was previously associated with connect().

Example 67.1 can also be implemented with std::function, as shown in Example 67.2.

Example 67.2. Hello, world! with std::function
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  std::function<void()> f;
  f = []{ std::cout << "Hello, world!\n"; };

In Example 67.2, the lambda function is also executed when f is called. While std::function can only be used in a scenario like Example 67.2, Boost.Signals2 provides far more variety. For example, it can associate multiple functions with a particular signal (see Example 67.3).

Example 67.3. Multiple event handlers with boost::signals2::signal
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::signals2;

int main()
  signal<void()> s;
  s.connect([]{ std::cout << "Hello"; });
  s.connect([]{ std::cout << ", world!\n"; });

boost::signals2::signal allows you to assign multiple functions to a particular signal by calling connect() repeatedly. Whenever the signal is triggered, the functions are executed in the order in which they were associated with connect().

The order can also be explicitly defined with the help of an overloaded version of connect(), which expects a value of type int as an additional parameter (Example 67.4).

Example 67.4. Event handlers with an explicit order
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::signals2;

int main()
  signal<void()> s;
  s.connect(1, []{ std::cout << ", world!\n"; });
  s.connect(0, []{ std::cout << "Hello"; });

Like the previous example, Example 67.4 displays Hello, world!.

To release an associated function from a signal, call disconnect().

Example 67.5. Disconnecting event handlers from boost::signals2::signal
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::signals2;

void hello() { std::cout << "Hello"; }
void world() { std::cout << ", world!\n"; }

int main()
  signal<void()> s;

Example 67.5 only prints Hello because the association with world() was released before the signal was triggered.

Besides connect() and disconnect(), boost::signals2::signal provides a few more member functions (see Example 67.6).

Example 67.6. Additional member functions of boost::signals2::signal
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::signals2;

int main()
  signal<void()> s;
  s.connect([]{ std::cout << "Hello"; });
  s.connect([]{ std::cout << ", world!"; });
  std::cout << s.num_slots() << '\n';
  if (!s.empty())

num_slots() returns the number of associated functions. If no function is associated, num_slots() returns 0. empty() tells you whether event handlers are connected or not. And disconnect_all_slots() does exactly what its name says: it releases all existing associations.

Example 67.7. Processing return values from event handlers
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::signals2;

int main()
  signal<int()> s;
  s.connect([]{ return 1; });
  s.connect([]{ return 2; });
  std::cout << *s() << '\n';

In Example 67.7 two lambda functions are associated with the signal s. The first lambda function returns 1, the second returns 2.

Example 67.7 writes 2 to standard output. Both return values were correctly accepted by s, but all except the last one were ignored. By default, only the last return value of all associated functions is returned.

Please note that s() does not directly return the result of the last function called. An object of type boost::optional is returned, which when de-referenced returns the number 2. Triggering a signal that is not associated with any function does not yield any return value. Thus, in this case, boost::optional allows Boost.Signals2 to return an empty object. boost::optional is introduced in Chapter 21.

It is possible to customize a signal so that the individual return values are processed accordingly. To do this, a combiner must be passed to boost::signals2::signal as a second template parameter.

Example 67.8. Finding the smallest return value with a user-defined combiner
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::signals2;

template <typename T>
struct min_element
  typedef T result_type;

  template <typename InputIterator>
  T operator()(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) const
    std::vector<T> v(first, last);
    return *std::min_element(v.begin(), v.end());

int main()
  signal<int(), min_element<int>> s;
  s.connect([]{ return 1; });
  s.connect([]{ return 2; });
  std::cout << s() << '\n';

A combiner is a class with an overloaded operator(). This operator is automatically called with two iterators, which are used to access the functions associated with the particular signal. When the iterators are de-referenced, the functions are called and their return values become available in the combiner. A common algorithm from the standard library, such as std::min_element(), can then be used to calculate and return the smallest value (see Example 67.8).

boost::signals2::signal uses boost::signals2::optional_last_value as the default combiner. This combiner returns objects of type boost::optional. A user can define a combiner with a return value of any type. For instance, the combiner min_element in Example 67.8 returns the type passed as a template parameter to min_element.

It is not possible to pass an algorithm such as std::min_element() as a template parameter directly to boost::signals2::signal. boost::signals2::signal expects that the combiner defines a type called result_type, which denotes the type of the value returned by operator(). Since this type is not defined by standard algorithms, the compiler will report an error.

Please note that it is not possible to pass the iterators first and last directly to std::min_element() because this algorithm expects forward iterators, while combiners work with input iterators. That’s why a vector is used to store all return values before determining the smallest value with std::min_element().

Example 67.9 modifies the combiner to store all return values in a container, rather than evaluating them. It stores all the return values in a vector that is then returned by s().

Example 67.9. Receiving all return values with a user-defined combiner
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::signals2;

template <typename T>
struct return_all
  typedef T result_type;

  template <typename InputIterator>
  T operator()(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) const
    return T(first, last);

int main()
  signal<int(), return_all<std::vector<int>>> s;
  s.connect([]{ return 1; });
  s.connect([]{ return 2; });
  std::vector<int> v = s();
  std::cout << *std::min_element(v.begin(), v.end()) << '\n';


Create a program with a class button. The class should represent a button in a graphical user interface. Add the member functions add_handler() and remove_handler() which both expect a function to be passed. If another member function called click() is invoked, registered handlers should be invoked one after another. Instantiate button and test the class by registering a handler that writes a message to standard output. Call click() to simulate a mouse click on the button.