The Boost C++ Libraries

Chapter 16. Boost.CircularBuffer

The library Boost.CircularBuffer provides a circular buffer, which is a container with the following two fundamental properties:

A circular buffer makes sense when the amount of available memory is limited, and you need to prevent a container from growing arbitrarily big. Another example is continuous data flow where old data becomes irrelevant as new data becomes available. Memory is automatically reused by overwriting old data.

To use the circular buffer from Boost.CircularBuffer, include the header file boost/circular_buffer.hpp. This header file defines the class boost::circular_buffer.

Example 16.1. Using boost::circular_buffer
#include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  typedef boost::circular_buffer<int> circular_buffer;
  circular_buffer cb{3};

  std::cout << cb.capacity() << '\n';
  std::cout << cb.size() << '\n';


  std::cout << cb.size() << '\n';


  std::cout << cb.size() << '\n';

  for (int i : cb)
    std::cout << i << '\n';

boost::circular_buffer is a template and must be instantiated with a type. For instance, the circular buffer cb in Example 16.1 stores numbers of type int.

The capacity of the circular buffer is specified when instantiating the class, not through a template parameter. The default constructor of boost::circular_buffer creates a buffer with a capacity of zero elements. Another constructor is available to set the capacity. In Example 16.1, the buffer cb has a capacity of three elements.

The capacity of a circular buffer can be queried by calling capacity(). In Example 16.1, capacity() will return 3.

The capacity is not equivalent to the number of stored elements. While the return value of capacity() is constant, size() returns the number of elements in the buffer, which may be different. The return value of size() will always be between 0 and the capacity of the circular buffer.

Example 16.1 returns 0 the first time size() is called since the buffer does not contain any data. After calling push_back() three times, the buffer contains three elements, and the second call to size() will return 3. Calling push_back() again does not cause the buffer to grow. The three new numbers overwrite the previous three. Therefore, size() will return 3 when called for the third time.

As a verification, the stored numbers are written to standard output at the end of Example 16.1. The output contains the numbers 3, 4, and 5 since the previously stored numbers have been overwritten.

Example 16.2. Various member functions of boost::circular_buffer
#include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  typedef boost::circular_buffer<int> circular_buffer;
  circular_buffer cb{3};


  std::cout << std::boolalpha << cb.is_linearized() << '\n';

  circular_buffer::array_range ar1, ar2;

  ar1 = cb.array_one();
  ar2 = cb.array_two();
  std::cout << ar1.second << ";" << ar2.second << '\n';

  for (int i : cb)
    std::cout << i << '\n';


  ar1 = cb.array_one();
  ar2 = cb.array_two();
  std::cout << ar1.second << ";" << ar2.second << '\n';

Example 16.2 uses the member functions is_linearized(), array_one(), array_two() and linearize(), which do not exist in other containers. These member functions clarify the internals of the circular buffer.

A circular buffer is essentially comparable to std::vector. Because the beginning and end are well defined, a vector can be treated as a conventional C array. That is, memory is contiguous, and the first and last elements are always at the lowest and highest memory address. However, a circular buffer does not offer such a guarantee.

Even though it may sound strange to talk about the beginning and end of a circular buffer, they do exist. Elements can be accessed via iterators, and boost::circular_buffer provides member functions such as begin() and end(). While you don’t need to be concerned about the position of the beginning and end when using iterators, the situation becomes a bit more complicated when accessing elements using regular pointers, unless you use is_linearized(), array_one(), array_two(), and linearize().

The member function is_linearized() returns true if the beginning of the circular buffer is at the lowest memory address. In this case, all the elements in the buffer are stored consecutively from beginning to the end at increasing memory addresses, and elements can be accessed like a conventional C array.

If is_linearized() returns false, the beginning of the circular buffer is not at the lowest memory address, which is the case in Example 16.2. While the first three elements 0, 1, and 2 are stored in exactly this order, calling push_back() for the fourth time will overwrite the number 0 with the number 3. Because 3 is the last element added by a call to push_back(), it is now the new end of the circular buffer. The beginning is now the element with the number 1, which is stored at the next higher memory address. This means elements are no longer stored consecutively at increasing memory addresses.

If the end of the circular buffer is at a lower memory address than the beginning, the elements can be accessed via two conventional C arrays. To avoid the need to calculate the position and size of each array, boost::circular_buffer provides the member functions array_one() and array_two().

Both array_one() and array_two() return a std::pair whose first element is a pointer to the corresponding array and whose second element is the size. array_one() accesses the array at the beginning of the circular buffer, and array_two() accesses the array at the end of the buffer.

If the circular buffer is linearized and is_linearized() returns true, array_two() can be called, too. However, since there is only one array in the buffer, the second array contains no elements.

To simplify matters and treat the circular buffer as a conventional C array, you can force a rearrangement of the elements by calling linearize(). Once complete, you can access all stored elements using array_one(), and you don’t need to use array_two().

Boost.CircularBuffer offers an additional class called boost::circular_buffer_space_optimized. This class is also defined in boost/circular_buffer.hpp. Although this class is used in the same way as boost::circular_buffer, it does not reserve any memory at instantiation. Rather, memory is allocated dynamically when elements are added until the capacity is reached. Removing elements releases memory accordingly. boost::circular_buffer_space_optimized manages memory more efficiently and, therefore, can be a better choice in certain scenarios. For example, it may be a good choice if you need a circular buffer with a large capacity, but your program doesn’t always use the full buffer.